NAABT no longer hosts the discussion board – instead we link to the all new
AddictionSurvivors.org online peer support community. Anyone with an NAABT account
will still be able to post under their username and will still have all of their posts on the
new forum. AddictionSurvivors.org is a positive, support community that embraces
modern evidence-based methods of addiction treatment. Peer support is one of the
ancillary services certified buprenorphine physicians are required to have the ability to
refer their patients to.
This free recovery support is
available to all patients in any
phase of their recovery.
Online peer support gives the
patient the convenience of 24/7
access and anonymity that isn't
afforded in live peer support
meetings. In-person groups such
as AA/NA provides a sense of community and camaraderie and oftentimes social aspects
that the patient may not have been exposed to during active addiction. Optimally, peer
support of any type should be used in
conjunction with professional psychosocial
therapy and sometimes medication.
Anonymous online support communities have
been shown to be effective at helping people
end an addiction and keep it in remission.
Look for the Addiction Survivors postcard
coming this month! |
The NAABT Patient/Physician
Matching System (PPMS) turned
two years old on September 1st!
Over 13,000 patients have been connected to treatment. These
are patients who presumably were unable to find treatment any
other way, and might have fallen through the cracks without
this resource. It also has helped patients find certified physicians
in their area who accept their insurance. The 2,100 participating
physician members average 73 patient contacts/day. In total
they have sent 55,100 emails to patients offering treatment. This
means most patients have several physicians to choose from.
Still, in some parts of the country patients go untreated, namely the Spokane, WA area
and most of Vermont. In an attempt to recruit more certified physicians willing to treat
the addicted people in these communities, we send out this postcard periodically.
Although this has been effective in
other regions of the country, we still
have patients unable to get the
lifesaving care they need in these
two areas.
Counselors and advocates have found
the matching system a great resource
in helping them place patient with
physicians in their community. Clinics
that do inductions and stabilization,
can easily facilitate a transfer to a
private physician with the system. |
PPMS Resources:
See how it works with the DEMO version, this allows you to log in as a patient or doctor and use
the system in demonstration mode: Click here to try it out.
How certified physicians increase from the 30 patient limit to 100:
- You must have submitted your original DATA-2000 waiver at least 1 year ago.
(If you are not sure following step 2 will tell you if enough time has elapsed.)
- Follow this link to SAMHSA and fill out the notification online.
Once completing the submission process, there is NO waiting period.
You can treat an additional 70 patients from the instant you submit the email
confirmation. Alternatively you can fax the notification: Pre-filled form or blank form (Fax: 240-276-1630).
In addition to the matching system, we have the buprenorphine locator. Simply type in
your zip code and get the closest:
- Certified physicians
- Medication assisted treatment counselors/therapists
- Pharmacies that stock buprenorphine
- Treatment centers (as provided by SAMHSA)
- Ongoing or upcoming studies near you
- Live peer support meetings near you
Click here to check it out. You can also print the list for yourself or a patient, with the easy "print this page link". |
NAABT Public Service Announcement (PSA)
Look for our Public Service
Announcement (PSA) "Mike’s Story" due out this
Fall. We filmed it in August,
and it is in post-production
now. The aim is to help
fight the stigma associated
with addiction disorders
and let people know that
they might find help with
their doctor.
We are planning three
versions of the PSA with
accompanying webisodes
(short films that continue
the story touched on in the PSA) which will be hosted on NAABT.org, MySpace, YouTube,
iTunes and Addiction survivors.org, to name a few. |
Dr. Richard Gracer's radio show online.
Dr. Richard Gracer, author of A New Prescription for Addiction, also has a weekly radio
show, A New Prescription for Health with Dr. Richard Gracer. On 6/19/08 Dr. Gracer's
guest was Tim Lepak, President and co-founder of the National Alliance of Advocates for
Buprenorphine Treatment. (www.naabt.org). The naabt.org "website is instrumental for
educating patients and health care providers on the benefits of this groundbreaking
treatment for opiate addiction. naabt.org sponsors a matching system for patients and
physicians, as well as for counselors, who are skilled in buprenorphine treatment."
– quote from Dr. Gracers’s website.Click here to play the radio show on your computer or download the mp3 to your iPod. You can also visit Dr. Gracer's website at: www.gracermedicalgroup.com |
"The Recovery Month effort aims to promote the societal benefits of alcohol and drug use disorder treatment, laud the contributions of treatment providers and promote the message that recovery from alcohol and drug use disorders in all its forms is possible." – RecoveryMonth.gov
Click here for more information and for Recovery Month events near you. |
The FREE NAABT Resource Kit. Along
with pertinent hardcopy literature,
included is a CD which contains many of
the files on our Literature Page, plus over
300 other files – including an off-line
version of naabt.org, past newsletters,
laws, research, emergency wallet card and
much more. Click here to request one.
Email for bulk quantities:

Counselors – Counselors can sign up
for inclusion on the NAABT Counselor
locator at www.CounselorList.org

Patients – We have over 900
participating counselors in 49 states
who understand the benefits and
challenges of medication-assisted
treatments for addiction.
Click here to find a counselor near you. |
HBO "Addiction" Series.
HBO is currently re-airing segments of last
year's award winning documentary
"Addiction" If you don't want to wait or
don't have HBO you can watch all of the
segments on your computer by visiting the
website. Besides the videos the educational
portion of the site has a tremendous
amount of recent science on addiction.
If you are a certified physician please be
sure your information is correct on the
physician locator. Please check for
spelling and correct phone number. You
can now update your own contact
If you have given permission to post
contact information in the Buprenorphine
Physician and Treatment Program Locator,
the information will be updated there too.
Use this link to go to the update form.
If you know of a colleague who is on the
list but should not be due to no longer
practicing, please advise by calling:
1-866-287-2728 or emailing:
info@buprenorphine.samhsa.gov |
Voluntary Disclosure: Some of the funding for this organization is provided by anonymous donors whose lives were touched by evidence-based addiction treatment and were willing to help support our mission. NAABT, Inc. has also accepted funding from pharmaceutical companies in the form of "Unrestricted Educational Grants." The grants are "unrestricted" so that there are no "strings" attached. NAABT, Inc. has complete control over how the funds are used, there are no restrictions on the content or mission of this site, and donors have no control over the content of the site or NAABT's activities. NAABT, Inc. is solely responsible for all of its activities.
here to learn
more about NAABT. |