Release of NAABT’s 2009 Public Service Announcement
Series – This series consists of 3 PSAs distributed to thousands of Radio and TV
stations across the country. In addition, there are three Webisodes that continue
Mike’s story on our website. www.naabt.org/MIKE
Mike’s Story
Meet Mike. An average
middle-class American, raised
and living in the heartland. A
business owner, loving
husband, father and
grandfather, Mike was very
active in his family’s lives
until he hurt himself at work,
and slowly became addicted
to the painkillers his doctor
Mike’s story is a common
one, but unlike many similar
stories Mike has survived
addiction and has
successfully been able to keep
it in remission with a
comprehensive treatment
plan and buprenorphine.
Mike shares his positive
message and gives hope to
people who think that
recovery always involves
long-term inpatient rehab.
Mike chose a treatment
option that allowed him to continue his life relatively uninterrupted.
Also, see the webisodes on iTunes, YouTube or NewsInfusion
The NAABT Patient/Physician
Matching System (PPMS)
The NAABT matching system has connected over 14,000 patients
with at least one
of the 2,200
certified physicians
able to prescribe
buprenorphine for
opioid addiction.
advocates and
addiction help hotlines and call centers have
found the matching system a great resource
in helping them place patients with
physicians in their community.
Clinics that do
inductions and stabilizations, can easily facilitate
a transfer to a private physician with the system. |

Map of patients seeking treatment right now!
naabt.org Public Awareness/Outreach Program 2008/2009
Based on the past success of our public transportation advertising, for the past couple
of months and into early 2009, naabt.org has expanded placed public awareness/
outreach advertising in the public transportation systems. Markets include Baltimore,
Los Angeles County, CA, Orange County, CA, Philadelphia, New Jersey, and Detroit.
We hope to create further
awareness of the Buprenorphine
Treatment option and to
communicate that there is hope
and a way to receive treatment
with dignity and confidentiality.
Click here to add a free
buprenorphine treatment
Patient/Physician Matching System
button to your website to help people
find a certified physician near them.

Find Local Resources – All on One Page!
You can find all of your buprenorphine
resources not only on one site but on
one page.
- Closest DATA-2000 certified physicians
- Closest counselors/therapists (of an evidence-based philosophy)
- Closest buprenorphine-stocking pharmacies
- Closest treatment facilities that utilize buprenorphine
Local resources such as Studies, peer support, financial assistance, state health
departments, etc.
The printer friendly links allow for easy
printing to take with you or give to a
friend or patient. www.naabt.org/local/
Click here to add this widget to your
website so your visitors will have access
to this locator.

Dr. Richard Gracer's radio show online.
Dr. Richard Gracer, author of A New Prescription for Addiction, also has a weekly radio
show, A New Prescription for Health with Dr. Richard Gracer. The 8/21/2008 show
Buprenorphine Patients and Perspective discusses buprenorphine treatment and talks with
patients about their treatment experiences. Click here to listen to the recorded broadcast.
You can also visit Dr. Gracer’s website at: www.gracermedicalgroup.com |
Peer support is one of the ancillary
services all DATA-2000 doctors must be
able to refer buprenorphine patients to.
This free online recovery support is
available to all patients in any phase of
their recovery.

is a positive, support community that
embraces modern evidence-based
methods of addiction treatment. It help
relieve patients anxiety associated with
beginning a new phase of their lives and
helps create realistic expectations of the
treatment experience.
About Addiction Survivors.
AddictionSurvivors.org is a not-for-profit
organization (501c3 tax exempt status
pending) dedicated to providing peer
support communities for those with
addiction disorders and their families and
friends. The communities are funded in
whole by individuals whose lives have been
touched by addiction in one way or another. |
The FREE NAABT Resource Kit. Along
with pertinent hardcopy literature,
included is a CD which contains many of
the files on our Literature Page, plus over
300 other files – including an off-line
version of naabt.org, past newsletters,
laws, research, emergency wallet card and
much more. Click here to request one.
Email for bulk quantities:

Over 1000 Counselors have signed
up for the evidence-based addiction
counselor locator. By law, all DATA-2000
certified doctors must have the capacity
to refer buprenorphine patients to
appropriate ancillary services like
counseling and peer support.

Counselors can sign up for this locator at
Click here to find a counselor

Click here to place a counselor locator
banner on your website for free. |
If you are a certified physician please be
sure your information is correct on the
physician locator. Please check for
spelling and correct phone number. You
can now update your own contact
If you have given permission to post
contact information in the Buprenorphine
Physician and Treatment Program Locator,
the information will be updated there too.
Use this link to go to the update form.
If you know of a colleague who is on the
list but should not be due to no longer
practicing, please advise by calling:
1-866-287-2728 or emailing:
info@buprenorphine.samhsa.gov |
Voluntary Disclosure: Some of the funding for this organization is provided by anonymous donors whose lives were touched by evidence-based addiction treatment and were willing to help support our mission. NAABT, Inc. has also accepted funding from pharmaceutical companies in the form of "Unrestricted Educational Grants." The grants are "unrestricted" so that there are no "strings" attached. NAABT, Inc. has complete control over how the funds are used, there are no restrictions on the content or mission of this site, and donors have no control over the content of the site or NAABT's activities. NAABT, Inc. is solely responsible for all of its activities.
here to learn
more about NAABT. |