Patient Support and Community Education Project (PSCEP)
NAABT is proud to announce that we have been invited to be part of the Patient Support and Community Education Project (PSCEP).
“PSCEP was formed in 2000 when CSAT entered a partnership with five national advocacy organizations. Currently, PSCEP is an assemblage of national and local organizations dedicated to the provision of support and education to patients, their loved ones and others, directly or indirectly involved in the treatment of the disease of opioid addiction. The mission of PSCEP is to remove the stigma associated with all form of medication-assisted therapies, so that treatment for the disease of addiction can be a life-saving choice, not a life-long sentence.”
The Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT) of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), promotes the quality and availability of community-based substance abuse treatment services for individuals and families who need them. CSAT works with States and community-based groups to improve and expand existing substance abuse treatment services under the Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant Program. CSAT also supports SAMHSA’s free treatment referral service to link people with the community-based substance abuse services they need. |
In a press release CIGNA Behavioral Health announced that it is the first national behavioral health organization to provide coverage for office-based induction with buprenorphine. “By becoming the first national behavioral health organization to cover the induction of buprenorphine, we’ve removed some of the barriers to treatment,” said Dr. Doug Nemecek, CIGNA’s National Medical Director. Hopefully this will set a precedent and other behavioral health insurers will follow CIGNA’s lead. See complete story here.
Patients can now order a free “in case of emergency” wallet card that alerts healthcare workers that buprenorphine can affect opioid pain medication. The card also contains links to this web page www.naabt.org/emergency with important relevant links useful if opioid pain treatment becomes necessary. Simply email us an address to send the card to at MakeContact@naabt.org
The Resource CDs have been updated and are available at no cost while supplies last. They contain over 300 files of buprenorphine-related information including science, literature, PSAs, past newsletters, laws, surveys, pictures, PowerPoint slides, content of the website, privacy, DEA and FDA info, and more. Click here to order.
We continue to add features to the Patient/Physician Matching System (PPMS) based on the feedback we receive. Recent features added to the physician interface include:
- Physicians can now save their own default email message to patients.
- We added a one click discussion board registration, that is integrated with the PPMS
- Physicians can hide-from-view patients who they have determined are not an appropriate match.
NAABT Patient Awareness/Outreach Program Updates.

Due to the success of our initial Awareness/Outreach Program in Boston and
Philadelphia, we have expanded to 5 other areas.
Starting June 11, our awareness advertisements will be seen on the public transportation systems in Baltimore (bus, light rail, Metro, MARC), Detroit (bus), Miami (bus and metrorail), Seattle/Tacoma (bus) and throughout the State of New Jersey on both light rail and bus lines.
Another avenue is the recent addition of a naabt.org MySpace space. We’ll be adding more information, images and links in the near future, and also take advantage of posting informational bulletins to keep our friends updated on anything new with naabt, addiction or buprenorphine treatment Please visit us there at: myspace.com/naabt
We hope that more people become aware of the buprenorphine treatment option, become educated and make an informed decision as to if this is right for them. |
We need your help. Although the NAABT Patient/Physician Matching System has helped match over 3,500 patients to certified providers, it has the capacity to match several times that amount. Currently there are over 1,170 participating physicians. We need to make more patients aware of this resource. You can help by directing patients to this resource, or if you have a website, adding the shortcut banner as a convenience to your visitors:

Learn how to add this banner
or other designs to your website.
The Physician Locator (Doctor/Patient button) sorts physicians by distance in geographic proximity, regardless of city,
town, county, or state borders. Click here to try it for yourself.
NAABT Patient/Physician Matching System We continue to improve the matching system based on your feedback. A new Frequently Asked Questions page has been added to explain some of the latest improvements.
A new walk-through interactive demo has been created to help get people familiar with the matching system.
Counselors and advocates can register on behalf of patients instead of making several phone calls searching for a prescribing physician with an opening and willing to treat. |
Voluntary Disclosure: Some of the funding for this organization is provided by anonymous donors whose lives were touched by evidence-based addiction treatment and were willing to help support our mission. NAABT, Inc. has also accepted funding from pharmaceutical companies in the form of “Unrestricted Educational Grants.” The grants are “unrestricted” so that there are no “strings” attached. NAABT, Inc. has complete control over how the funds are used, there are no restrictions on the content or mission of this site, and donors have no control over the content of the site or NAABT’s activities. NAABT, Inc. is solely responsible for all of its activities.
here to learn
more about NAABT.