Stigma has been cited as the #1 barrier to treatment. Anyone in the addiction treatment field or
receiving services has experienced or witnessed the effects of stigma in treatment availability, prices,
government restrictions, payer reimbursement, and in the general attitudes of the public and even
some caregivers. We can and must reduce stigma. One way we all can help is by choosing the
words we use carefully. To help, NAABT has created a publication
that explains how some words increase the
stigma, and then we offer some possible
alternative words.
In recent years science has made great
strides in addiction medicine. Once
thought to be a problem of morality and
will power, science has shown addiction to
be a treatable chronic medical condition.
While addiction science has advanced,
addiction language has not. It’s time to
adjust our language to reflect the greater
understanding we now have.
Multiple printed copies of this and other naabt.org publications are available upon request.
Email us a mailing address: MakeContact@naabt.org |
Patient/Physician Matching System Update.
11,600 patients have registered on the Patient/Physician Matching System, since its National
launch 17 months ago. 81% have been connected with at least one of the 1,611 participating
physicians. Patients have been able to find physicians who accept their
insurance, can also treat special conditions, are nearby, have a compatible
philosophy of treatment, and most importantly are able and willing to
treat them now.
Long waiting lists existed prior to the launch of the System. Now,
some patients in most metropolitan areas are contacted within minutes
of submitting their anonymous registration, and most others within days.
Physicians reluctant to be listed publicly on the SAMHSA locator,
can still use the system to contact patients that best fit their practice
and expertise, without being on a public list.
Counselors/advocates/help-lines/social workers can submit a registration on behalf of
patients without computer access, and simply inform the patient with the good news when
a physician with capacity to treat them replies.
For more information:
The Counselor Locator. Free listing on naabt.org and AlcoholAnswers.org
The counselor/therapist locator is growing. We now have over 400
counselors listed. All have stated
they are of an evidence-based
philosophy and familiar with
medication assisted treatment. See national map.
If you are an addiction counselor
or therapist that understands the
challenges and benefits that
Medication Assisted Treatment
brings, you’re invited to be listed
on our nationwide free locator,
so patients in need can find you
easier and sooner. |
New look to naabt.org
The naabt.org website recently went under a
facelift. In doing so, we hope to have made it faster
and easier to find the things that interest you.
All on one page!
Now you can find all of your buprenorphine
resources not only on one site but on one page.
- Closest DATA-2000 certified physicians
- Closest counselors/therapists (of an
evidence-based philosophy)
- Closest buprenorphine-stocking pharmacies
- Closest treatment facilities that utilize buprenorphine
- Local resources such as Studies, peer support, financial assistance, state
health departments, etc.
- The printer friendly links allow for easy printing to take with you or give to a friend
or patient. www.naabt.org/local/
Patients and Prescribing Physicians.
Patients and prescribing physicians
can now order a free "in case
of emergency" wallet card that alerts
healthcare workers that buprenorphine
can affect opioid pain medication.
The card also lists a link to this web
page: www.naabt.org/emergency with important relevant links useful if
opioid pain treatment becomes necessary. Simply email us a mailing address to send
the card to at MakeContact@naabt.org

Still Available. The FREE NAABT
Resource Kit. Along with pertinent
hardcopy literature, included is a CD
which contains all of the files on our
Literature Page, plus over 300 other
files –
including an off-line version of naabt.org,
past newsletters, laws, research,
emergency wallet card and much more. Click here to request one.
Buprenorphine on CBS.
If you missed Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s Suboxone report on CBS evening news with Katie
Couric, you can click here to see the video.
Buprenorphine on HBO.
To watch the buprenorphine segment
from the HBO Addiction documentary, click here.

Billing codes. A list of common
billing codes are available for
download and printing from the Patient/Physician Matching system
physician login page, or you can
go to:
Voluntary Disclosure: Some of the funding for this organization is provided by anonymous donors whose lives were touched by evidence-based addiction treatment and were willing to help support our mission. NAABT, Inc. has also accepted funding from pharmaceutical companies in the form of "Unrestricted Educational Grants." The grants are "unrestricted" so that there are no "strings" attached. NAABT, Inc. has complete control over how the funds are used, there are no restrictions on the content or mission of this site, and donors have no control over the content of the site or NAABT's activities. NAABT, Inc. is solely responsible for all of its activities.
here to learn
more about NAABT. |