Anyone with a website can now select from a variety of tools that can be offered to your visitors.
These convenient mini-locator banners can be added to most sites and quickly connect your
visitors to addiction services without the need to navigate through another website. Visitors
simply enter their zip code and click go, then when finished, they return to your website. Here
are some examples of these easy-to-install banners:

To learn how to add these tools to your website, click here.
(Please note, there are special instructions for MySpace.com, click here.) |
10,000 patients connected
to treatment through the
Patient/Physician Matching System*
The matching system is for people unable to find a certified
physician from the locator or one that accepts their insurance
or can also treat any co-occurring disorders. Once registered,
the anonymous patient information is sent to participating
physicians in the area for review and many patients are then
contacted within minutes. Unfortunately having 1,800 participating
physicians there are still areas of the country where patients are
seeking this lifesaving treatment but cannot find a physician
willing to treat them. Spokane, WA and all of Vermont are two such places where patients’ needs continue to go unmet.
When we notice areas where there is an abundance of patients unable to find treatment, we send out
this postcard to certified physicians asking for their participation, and urging them to help. We are also
working with local advocacy groups to try and get more physicians involved.
*(13,500 total registrations – connection rate 74%) |
Our locator now connects
patients to Tele-Psychiatry,
if it is available in your state.
Tele-Psychiatry is the delivery
of mental health treatment via
web-based live two-way videoteleconferencing.
Your entire
appointment is conducted over
a secure internet connection.
Prescriptions (if applicable) are
called into a local pharmacy.
There is no need to travel
to an office location, or to
spend time in a waiting room.
Each physician has their own
protocol and technical
requirements for patients to
participate. Tele-Psychiatry
provides 100% geographic
coverage for an entire state, allowing patients in rural areas or incapacitated patients,
to still receive quality addiction treatment from a certified physician. If it is available
in your state a highlighted yellow box will appear below the 5 closest certified doctors,
on the locator. |
Dr. Richard Gracer’s radio show online.
Dr. Richard Gracer, author of A New Prescription for Addiction, also has a weekly radio
show. On 2/28/08 Dr. Gracer’s guest was Kathleen Gargano, a Registered Nurse at the
Addiction Treatment clinic at Yale and co-founder of the National Alliance for the
Advancement of Buprenorphine Treatment. (NAABT.ORG). Ms. Gargano is a noted
national expert for the treatment of opiate addiction with buprenorphine (Subutex/
Suboxone). A patient, who has been treated with buprenorphine, was also interviewed.
Click here to play the radio show on your computer or download the mp3 to your iPod. You can also visit Dr. Gracer’s website at: www.gracermedicalgroup.com |
NEW: Physicians listed on the SAMHSA
physician locator can now edit their listed
information online. Click here for
How eligible physicians can increase from
the 30 patient to the 100 patient limit. Once the paperwork is submitted and you
have replied to the confirmation email, you
can begin treating up to 70 more patients.
There is no waiting period.
The FREE NAABT Resource Kit. Along
with pertinent hardcopy literature,
included is a CD which contains many of
the files on our Literature Page, plus over
300 other files – including an off-line
version of naabt.org, past newsletters,
laws, research, emergency wallet card and
much more. Click here to request one.
Email for bulk quantities:

The Counselor locator continues to grow. There are now 648 counselors registered nationwide. These counselors and therapists indicated they are of an evidence-based philosophy and can treat patients who use medication-assisted treatment as part of their overall recovery plan. Counselors can register at: www.CounselorList.org |
Buprenorphine on CBS.
If you missed Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s Suboxone
report on CBS evening news with Katie
Couric, you can click here to see the video.
HBO “Addiction” Series.
HBO is currently re-airing segments of last
year’s award winning documentary
“Addiction” If you don’t want to wait or
don’t have HBO you can watch all of the
segments on your computer by visiting the
website. Besides the videos the educational
portion of the site has a tremendous
amount of recent science on addiction.
Voluntary Disclosure: Some of the funding for this organization is provided by anonymous donors whose lives were touched by evidence-based addiction treatment and were willing to help support our mission. NAABT, Inc. has also accepted funding from pharmaceutical companies in the form of "Unrestricted Educational Grants." The grants are "unrestricted" so that there are no "strings" attached. NAABT, Inc. has complete control over how the funds are used, there are no restrictions on the content or mission of this site, and donors have no control over the content of the site or NAABT's activities. NAABT, Inc. is solely responsible for all of its activities.
here to learn
more about NAABT. |