(Background on the 30
Despite recent persistent
rumors, the limit has not been changed.
S.2560 contains
language to eliminate the limit for
physicians who have had their waivers
for more than one
year. It is part of a larger bill to
reauthorize funding for the ONDCP.
It is currently on the Senate
Calendar waiting to be called to vote.
To become law, this bill needs to be
voted/passed in the
Senate, then voted/passed in the House,
then signed by the President. During
that process, the
language can be altered to change the
limit (perhaps to 100 as rumored),
or this portion of the
bill may be eliminated altogether.
(The House version of this bill (H.R.
2829) does not contain
this language, has already passed the
House, and is in the Judiciary Committee
of the Senate).
We urge you to sign our petition supporting
removal of the limit. The first 1,000
signers have
already been delivered to Congress.
You may also send an email message
to your
Representatives, if you prefer. Details
and updates can be found on our 30-Patient
Limit page.
Why is this Rationing
of Healthcare Wrong? (Editorial by
Timothy Lepak)
your visitors by placing this banner
on your website.

You can help visitors
to your website by adding a button
that connects them with a
physician certified to prescribe buprenorphine.
This link gives your visitors another
option in addition to the SAMHSA
list of providers. It allows them to register
anonymously, and for free, on a list
and then participating physicians with
openings may contact them. It is an
easier, more efficient way to match
patients to
physicians and a non-intimidating first
step toward recovery. The link below
how you can place a banner or button
on your website.
http://www.naabt.org/ppms_banners.cfm |
Status report: What is the Patient/Physician
Matching System (PPMS)?
On September 1, 2006 we launched the
Patient/Physician Matching System
nationwide. 550 physicians in 48 states
have registered since September
1st, along with
1050 patients. 580
have been connected with a treatment
provider, so
far. In some areas patients have been
contacted in as little as 7 minutes
registering, unfortunately, in other
areas some have not been contacted
at all. As more
physicians learn about and participate
in the program, the more patients will
find the
lifesaving help they need. If you know
someone who needs help please point
toward this resource. www.NAABTLIST.org
with participating physicians (including
Alaska and Hawaii)
 | Click on the map to see a detailed map of physician locations.
We have listened to your
suggestions and improved the matching
system to make it
even easier than it was. The main changes
are highlighted here:
We will continue to
improve the functionality and features
gradually. Our physician-only discussion
board has a forum dedicated to questions
and suggestions about the patient
physician matching system. http://www.naabt.org/forum/default.asp |
you haven’t already, please click
here to support the removal of the
30-patient limit imposed on
buprenorphine-prescribing physicians.
Every signature counts – email
the link
to as many people as you can!

instructions on how to place this
button on your website, or choose
from a variety of others, that better
match your design and space, please
If you are a certified
physician please be
sure your information is correct on the
locator. Please check for spelling and
correct phone number. If you know of
colleague who is on the list but should
not be due to no longer practicing,
please advise. Please note: If you have
multiple practice locations, you can
add them. 1-866-287-2728
Discussion Board now has
over 1,600 members who have posted
over 30,000 posts, over the last 12
months. The main educational site
receives an average of 2,000 visitors
day. Although the discussion board is
not a substitute for counseling, many
have reported benefit from the
anonymous peer based forum.
We have restructured
our Literature
Page – consolidating some of the
pertinent material available on the
The Physician
Locator (Doctor/Patient button) sorts physicians by distance
geographic proximity, regardless of
town, county, or state borders.
here to try it for yourself.
Newsletters are available at the
naabt.org homepage. Past editions are
available as PDF files here:
etters.cfm. |
Inc. has accepted
funding from Reckitt Benckiser (Richmond,
VA, pharmaceutical company that
manufactures buprenorphine products)
the form of an “Unrestricted Educational
Grant.” The grant is “unrestricted” so
that there are no “strings” attached.
NAABT, Inc. has complete control over
how the funds are used, there are no
restrictions on the content or mission
this site, and Reckitt has no control
the content of the site or NAABT’s
activities. Reckitt is currently the
only FDA
approved maker of a buprenorphinebased
product for addiction. NAABT, Inc.
is not affiliated with Reckitt Benckiser.
Click here to learn more about NAABT.
here to learn
more about NAABT. |